January - March 2, 2011
Group Show.
for more information contact:
Gallery KH - 311 W Superior Street, Chicago, Illinois
telephone: (312) 642-0202
email at: lkivisto@gallerykh.com
visit their website at: www.gallerykh.com
May - June 2011
This exhibition of new painting by Gary Bowling.
for more information contact:
Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art Gallery - 2004 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, Missouri
telephone: (816) 221-2626
email at: sherryleedy@sherryleedy.com
visit their website at: www.sherryleedy.com
July 2011
Studies, drawings, and paintings from 2010-2011.
for more information contact:
Olson-Larsen Gallery in Des Moines, Iowa
visit their website at: www.olsonlarsen.com
March 2012
Studies, drawings, and paintings from 2011-2012.
for more information contact:
Anderson-O'Brien Gallery in Omaha, NE
visit their website at: www.aobfineart.com
all content copyright gary bowling
created and maintained by danielle creech and gary bowling
last updated